March 24, 2007

Don't Violate the Man Law.....

(these are just actor's trying to get the point across)

This weekend one of the most important Man Law's was violated not once, but TWICE! I was at Overlake Christian Church at a Christian Education Conference, while there I had to use the restroom. When I walked in no one was using the urinal so I went to the 3rd stall. When I would look to my right there was about 4 empty stalls and to my left about 3 empty stalls. For those of you who do not know the Man Law about the restroom, I will share it with you. When a man is using a urinal you must go as far away from him as you can. So when men come in they will go to the far left or right and then skip every other stall until they have to stand next to another man to pee.

Well thinking this is a known Law nation wife I felt safe in my own state until this weekend. Twice this weekend as I was going pee a man came in and use the urinal directly next to me. No skipping of stalls or anything. I know what your going to ask and no, I was the only one in there.

Why did he not go to the far left or far right? I don't know but felt compelled to share this with you all. I was very upset about this.

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