October 21, 2007

Repenting is a good thing...

Today at church I taught second hour and I think I got more out of the lesson then they did. I must say I am a fool. Is it healthy for a Christian to be at a stand still in his or her walk? This is my opinion, I think its ok for a certain period of time but if we are not continually learning and growing then we are more siceptible to being attacked by the evil one. I have been at the place for awhile now. I have been at a stand still and have made excuess for my actions to where I didn't realize until today that my relationship with God sucks right now and its all because I thought my relationship was great even though I haven't been attempting to grow.

My prayer time has sucked and my time readying the bible has sucked. I have been going through the motions and doing it quickly. Have you ever read 3 verses of the bible to say you have been in the bible on a regular basis. As embarassed as I am to admit it that has been me. I have been going through the motions lately and it upsets me. I feel like I have failed myself and God and cheated those who I minister with.

I will say the past couple days have been better. This morning I got up early and took my aunt to the airport but I got to read my bible before hand. Prayer is good also today. So I have started up a hill that I am going to struggle with because of the comfort zone I have created and justified.

I encourage everyone to take a look at their life and see where they are and how things are going. I suprised myself the last week and found out I am not happy with who I am right now and I have repented. So change will occur and it will be for the better.

Blessings to you all. Sorry its been a while. I have been in a rut but I am back!


Anonymous said...

Praying for you!

Mika said...

Oh Carl, You're not a fool. ^ ^ Sure the lesson was little akward but we don't hate you...I don't think...I DON'T!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your honesty. We can never be prayed for enough or spend enough time in prayer. That really is the power behind everything He allows us to do. We all need to take a look at where we are and always try to keep growing. We appreciate you.