Back to me since this is about me, kinda. Tonight I watched the show at Treasure Island and let me tell you, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. the show is dumb. Its like watch bad cheerleaders on TV. They were off on just about everything. They are so far away you can't see anything. Not that I was there to see anything. Both Lance and I thought it was dumb. The coolest part of the whole show was a pirate who jump off these rocks that were high up. He did a couple flips and stuff. Also something cool was that I guy tried to pick my pocket and take my wallet but I felt it and put my hand on my back side. That was pretty cool to me!
One thing that continues to tug at my heart is just the way people are here. They are truly fake. Most people try to be someone they are not and I wish that people would just be real. I wonder if they are not happy with who they are? Why do you think just because you come to Vegas you can be dumb. Vegas is not a free pass for idiots.
I thank God that I am who I am today and that I can honor Him and not care about it. I guess Vegas is a place where I am proud to be who I am and just wish other could do that too. Its nice to be in company with someone who share my morals and can help be a light in the tunnel of darkness.
I'm so glad that you stopped the pick pocket!! Hopefully Lance still has his! :-)
That is why I like you Carl, because you are real!
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