Great song!
June 22, 2007
Prayer Request
Hello everyone, this is a special blog today. My friend Gaylen and Karen Mulloy are in need of some prayer. Karen is having twins but there have been some speed bumps along the way. They went in and had some tests run and their doctor called and had a test result from the other day that wasn't good. Something about protein levels too high which is a sign of pre-eclampsia, which is not good news. Karen may have to stay in the hospital until she delivers the babies. Pray that everything goes well and that Karen and the babies stay healthy and safe and that if she has to deliver early God will watch over them and give them strength to grow!
Please pass this along to everyone and pray for my good friends.
Blessings to you......
Please pass this along to everyone and pray for my good friends.
Blessings to you......
June 20, 2007
A horror movie come to life
Three Fircrest families receive death threats via cell phone. Even when the phones are off. Even when they get new phones.
SEAN ROBINSON; The News Tribune Published: June 20th, 2007 06:15 AM
Enlarge image Alison Yin/The News Tribune Heather Kuykendall and her daughter, Courtney, 16, display the cell phones they’ve abandoned in an attempt to cut off a stream of threatening messages from mysterious harassers. Courtney started receiving the calls in February. Other families have gotten them, too. Investigators suspect it’s an elaborate hoax.
Maybe it’s just a long-running prank, but the reign of terror endured by three Fircrest families buries the needle on the creepy meter.
For four months, the Kuykendalls, the Prices and the McKays say, they’ve been harassed and threatened by mysterious cell phone stalkers who track their every move and occasionally lurk by their homes late at night, screaming and banging on walls.
Police can’t seem to stop them. The late-night visitors vanish before officers arrive. The families say investigators have a hard time believing the stalkers can control cell phones without touching them and suspect an elaborate hoax. Complaints to their phone companies do no good – the families say they’ve been told what the stalkers are doing is impossible.
It doesn’t feel impossible to Heather Kuykendall and her sister, Darci Price, who’ve saved and recorded scores of threatening voice mails, uttered in throaty, juvenile rasps stolen from bad horror films.
Price and Kuykendall have given the callers a name: “Restricted.” That’s the word that shows up on their caller ID windows: on the land lines at home, and on every one of their cell phones.
Their messages, left at all hours, threaten death – to the families, their children and their pets.
“They tell us that they see us,” Kuykendall said Tuesday. “They tell us that they know everything we’re doing.”
It’s gotten so bad the sisters’ parents have offered a $1,000 reward to anyone who identifies the culprits.
The stalkers know what the family is eating, when adults leave the house, when they go to baseball games. They know the color of shirt Courtney Kuykendall, 16, is wearing. When Heather Kuykendall recently installed a new lock on the door of the house, she got a voice mail. During an interview with The News Tribune on Tuesday, she played the recording.
The stalkers taunted her, telling her they knew the code. In another message, they threatened shootings at the schools Kuykendall’s children attend.
“I’m warning you,” one guttural message says. “Don’t send them to school. If you do, say goodbye.”
Somehow, the callers have gained control of the family cell phones, Price and Kuykendall say. Messages received by the sisters include snatches of conversation overheard on cell-phone mikes, replayed and transmitted via voice mail. Phone records show many of the messages coming from Courtney’s phone, even when she’s not using it – even when it’s turned off.
Price and Kuykendall say the stalkers knew when they visited Fircrest police and sent a voice-mail message that included a portion of their conversation with a detective.
The harassment seems to center on Courtney, but it extends to her parents, her aunt Darcy and Courtney’s friends, including Taylor McKay, who lives across the street in Fircrest. Her mother, Andrea McKay, has received messages similar to those left at the Kuykendall household and cell phone bills approaching $1,000 for one month. She described one recent call: She was slicing limes in the kitchen. The stalkers left a message, saying they preferred lemons.
“Taylor and Courtney seem to be the hub of the harassment, and different people have branched off from there,” Andrea McKay said. “I don’t know how they’re doing it. They were able to get Taylor’s phone number through Courtney’s phone, and every contact was exposed.”
McKay, a teacher in the Peninsula School District, said she and Taylor recently explained the threats to the principal at Gig Harbor High School, which Taylor attends. A Gig Harbor police officer sat in on the conversation, she said.
While the four people talked, Taylor’s and Andrea’s phones, which were switched off, sat on a table. While mother and daughter spoke, Taylor’s phone switched on and sent a text message to her mother’s phone, Andrea said.
The Kuykendalls and Prices report similar experiences. Richard Price, Darcy’s husband, is a 26-year military officer, assigned to McChord Air Force Base. On a recent trip to the base, the stalkers sent him a message.
“McChord needs us,” the voice said.
Mari Manley, 16, one of Courtney’s close friends, is another victim of the harassment. She tried to avoid the calls by ignoring her phone. Late one night, she heard the phone making an unfamiliar noise. Her ringtone had changed.
“Answer your phone,” a guttural voice said. Manley saved the ringtone, and played it during an interview Tuesday.
The families and their friends have adopted a new routine: They block the cameras on their phones with tape. They take out the batteries to stop the calls. The Prices and Kuykendalls returned all their corrupted phones to their wireless company and replaced them with new ones. The threatening messages kept coming.
Fircrest Police Chief John Cheesman is familiar with the case and knows the families. His department is working the case with the Tacoma Police Department and the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office, he said. The agencies filed a search warrant for the phone records, but they didn’t reveal much. Many of the calls and text messages trace back to Courtney’s phone, which the family believes has been electronically hijacked.
Cell phone technology allows remote monitoring of calls, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Known as a “roving bug,” it works whether a phone is on or off. FBI agents tracking organized crime have used it to monitor meetings among mobsters. Global positioning systems, installed in many cell phones, also make it possible to pinpoint a phone’s location within a few feet.
According to James M. Atkinson, a Massachusetts-based expert in counterintelligence who has advised the U.S. Congress on security issues, it’s not that hard to take remote control of a wireless phone. “You do not have to have a strong technical background for someone to do this,” he said Tuesday. “They probably have a technically gifted kid who probably is in their neighborhood.”
Courtney Kuykendall says she has no idea who the stalkers are, though she knows police are suspicious. She believes someone followed her at school – a man in a hooded sweatshirt with a beard.
“They’re accusing my daughter of threatening her own family,” Heather Kuykendall said.
“Why would I do that?” Courtney said. “Why would I do that to people I care about? Why would I harass my own family?”
Three Fircrest families receive death threats via cell phone. Even when the phones are off. Even when they get new phones.
SEAN ROBINSON; The News Tribune Published: June 20th, 2007 06:15 AM
Enlarge image Alison Yin/The News Tribune Heather Kuykendall and her daughter, Courtney, 16, display the cell phones they’ve abandoned in an attempt to cut off a stream of threatening messages from mysterious harassers. Courtney started receiving the calls in February. Other families have gotten them, too. Investigators suspect it’s an elaborate hoax.
Maybe it’s just a long-running prank, but the reign of terror endured by three Fircrest families buries the needle on the creepy meter.
For four months, the Kuykendalls, the Prices and the McKays say, they’ve been harassed and threatened by mysterious cell phone stalkers who track their every move and occasionally lurk by their homes late at night, screaming and banging on walls.
Police can’t seem to stop them. The late-night visitors vanish before officers arrive. The families say investigators have a hard time believing the stalkers can control cell phones without touching them and suspect an elaborate hoax. Complaints to their phone companies do no good – the families say they’ve been told what the stalkers are doing is impossible.
It doesn’t feel impossible to Heather Kuykendall and her sister, Darci Price, who’ve saved and recorded scores of threatening voice mails, uttered in throaty, juvenile rasps stolen from bad horror films.
Price and Kuykendall have given the callers a name: “Restricted.” That’s the word that shows up on their caller ID windows: on the land lines at home, and on every one of their cell phones.
Their messages, left at all hours, threaten death – to the families, their children and their pets.
“They tell us that they see us,” Kuykendall said Tuesday. “They tell us that they know everything we’re doing.”
It’s gotten so bad the sisters’ parents have offered a $1,000 reward to anyone who identifies the culprits.
The stalkers know what the family is eating, when adults leave the house, when they go to baseball games. They know the color of shirt Courtney Kuykendall, 16, is wearing. When Heather Kuykendall recently installed a new lock on the door of the house, she got a voice mail. During an interview with The News Tribune on Tuesday, she played the recording.
The stalkers taunted her, telling her they knew the code. In another message, they threatened shootings at the schools Kuykendall’s children attend.
“I’m warning you,” one guttural message says. “Don’t send them to school. If you do, say goodbye.”
Somehow, the callers have gained control of the family cell phones, Price and Kuykendall say. Messages received by the sisters include snatches of conversation overheard on cell-phone mikes, replayed and transmitted via voice mail. Phone records show many of the messages coming from Courtney’s phone, even when she’s not using it – even when it’s turned off.
Price and Kuykendall say the stalkers knew when they visited Fircrest police and sent a voice-mail message that included a portion of their conversation with a detective.
The harassment seems to center on Courtney, but it extends to her parents, her aunt Darcy and Courtney’s friends, including Taylor McKay, who lives across the street in Fircrest. Her mother, Andrea McKay, has received messages similar to those left at the Kuykendall household and cell phone bills approaching $1,000 for one month. She described one recent call: She was slicing limes in the kitchen. The stalkers left a message, saying they preferred lemons.
“Taylor and Courtney seem to be the hub of the harassment, and different people have branched off from there,” Andrea McKay said. “I don’t know how they’re doing it. They were able to get Taylor’s phone number through Courtney’s phone, and every contact was exposed.”
McKay, a teacher in the Peninsula School District, said she and Taylor recently explained the threats to the principal at Gig Harbor High School, which Taylor attends. A Gig Harbor police officer sat in on the conversation, she said.
While the four people talked, Taylor’s and Andrea’s phones, which were switched off, sat on a table. While mother and daughter spoke, Taylor’s phone switched on and sent a text message to her mother’s phone, Andrea said.
The Kuykendalls and Prices report similar experiences. Richard Price, Darcy’s husband, is a 26-year military officer, assigned to McChord Air Force Base. On a recent trip to the base, the stalkers sent him a message.
“McChord needs us,” the voice said.
Mari Manley, 16, one of Courtney’s close friends, is another victim of the harassment. She tried to avoid the calls by ignoring her phone. Late one night, she heard the phone making an unfamiliar noise. Her ringtone had changed.
“Answer your phone,” a guttural voice said. Manley saved the ringtone, and played it during an interview Tuesday.
The families and their friends have adopted a new routine: They block the cameras on their phones with tape. They take out the batteries to stop the calls. The Prices and Kuykendalls returned all their corrupted phones to their wireless company and replaced them with new ones. The threatening messages kept coming.
Fircrest Police Chief John Cheesman is familiar with the case and knows the families. His department is working the case with the Tacoma Police Department and the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office, he said. The agencies filed a search warrant for the phone records, but they didn’t reveal much. Many of the calls and text messages trace back to Courtney’s phone, which the family believes has been electronically hijacked.
Cell phone technology allows remote monitoring of calls, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Known as a “roving bug,” it works whether a phone is on or off. FBI agents tracking organized crime have used it to monitor meetings among mobsters. Global positioning systems, installed in many cell phones, also make it possible to pinpoint a phone’s location within a few feet.
According to James M. Atkinson, a Massachusetts-based expert in counterintelligence who has advised the U.S. Congress on security issues, it’s not that hard to take remote control of a wireless phone. “You do not have to have a strong technical background for someone to do this,” he said Tuesday. “They probably have a technically gifted kid who probably is in their neighborhood.”
Courtney Kuykendall says she has no idea who the stalkers are, though she knows police are suspicious. She believes someone followed her at school – a man in a hooded sweatshirt with a beard.
“They’re accusing my daughter of threatening her own family,” Heather Kuykendall said.
“Why would I do that?” Courtney said. “Why would I do that to people I care about? Why would I harass my own family?”
June 13, 2007
Day 4 in vegas, the night before I leave
What a day! We woke up on time, well it was actually early. This morning when we were at starbucks getting ready to order his drinks a lady from England dropped her drink on the floor and spilled it everywhere. I didn't laugh but I really wanted to. I felt bad but at the same time it was hilarious.
Today at the show was dead. I went to a couple different booths and visited people. I ended up at one booth and played snake ball with a guy. He was the inventor of the game and my grandpa bought one of the original ones from Yuma AZ. So it was pretty cool to play with the owners of this game. I beat one but lost to another. They have this rule that if you bounce the ball of the ground and it wraps around a pole you get 5 points. It was pretty cool.
I also got to meet with some people from one of our factories. It was really nice getting to know them. Paul Yang and Rita Chein.
Also today we went to this party bar place and had a blast. Bobby, Lances brother in law came down to visit and ride with Lance through California and up to Washington. We had a pretty good time then after that Lance and I walked around in the Venician and had a small dinner there. We then decided that we would walk to the stratosphere. Bad idea, I was in sandals and it was about 3 miles away but only looked about 1. We ended up not making it and had to make a mild emergency "bathroom" stop at the Riviera.
Then we walked back and stopped in at the Frontier, I think that was the name, and had a beer and just chatted a little about work then headed back to see how bobby was doing. One of my highlights today was just getting to relax and laugh. I am really excited to come home because I'm tired of Vegas. Its a nice place to come to a visit for a weekend but not a week. I'm not a fan of a lot of the stuff that is going on here. I think at times I am a little to serious about things. I have noticed that over the past few years my goofy side has slowly gone away. I like to be crazy and have a good time but I'm growing up and become business oriented, I think. I am not sure what it is but I know that many things are important to me to I get focused on my job and my other responsibilities in life that I really don't make time for myself. I'm going to be 27 this year and I am not dating anyone no in a serious relationship and I think it is because I am so focused on my life activities that I don't stop to smell the roses. How do you change who you are, is there something wrong with the way my life is? I don't know. I live for Christ and that is what is important but also as a human I want to have a family and kids. Most of all my friends are married and have children or are expecting. I think I am jealous because I want it to be my turn but also understand it is not in my control and have to wait for Gods timing. I just wish there was something I could do to help speed that up. If it was only that easy and brought to my attention I would do it. I will be patient for it and try not to focus on it.

Weird how you get on a subject like that at Vegas. Tonight I found myself wanting to play poker really bad after watching bobby so I went up stairs and got on my laptop and played online poker for free in my room. Remind you that I am staying in a casino and am playing poker in my room. Funny? I think so.
Today at the show was dead. I went to a couple different booths and visited people. I ended up at one booth and played snake ball with a guy. He was the inventor of the game and my grandpa bought one of the original ones from Yuma AZ. So it was pretty cool to play with the owners of this game. I beat one but lost to another. They have this rule that if you bounce the ball of the ground and it wraps around a pole you get 5 points. It was pretty cool.
Also today we went to this party bar place and had a blast. Bobby, Lances brother in law came down to visit and ride with Lance through California and up to Washington. We had a pretty good time then after that Lance and I walked around in the Venician and had a small dinner there. We then decided that we would walk to the stratosphere. Bad idea, I was in sandals and it was about 3 miles away but only looked about 1. We ended up not making it and had to make a mild emergency "bathroom" stop at the Riviera.
Then we walked back and stopped in at the Frontier, I think that was the name, and had a beer and just chatted a little about work then headed back to see how bobby was doing. One of my highlights today was just getting to relax and laugh. I am really excited to come home because I'm tired of Vegas. Its a nice place to come to a visit for a weekend but not a week. I'm not a fan of a lot of the stuff that is going on here. I think at times I am a little to serious about things. I have noticed that over the past few years my goofy side has slowly gone away. I like to be crazy and have a good time but I'm growing up and become business oriented, I think. I am not sure what it is but I know that many things are important to me to I get focused on my job and my other responsibilities in life that I really don't make time for myself. I'm going to be 27 this year and I am not dating anyone no in a serious relationship and I think it is because I am so focused on my life activities that I don't stop to smell the roses. How do you change who you are, is there something wrong with the way my life is? I don't know. I live for Christ and that is what is important but also as a human I want to have a family and kids. Most of all my friends are married and have children or are expecting. I think I am jealous because I want it to be my turn but also understand it is not in my control and have to wait for Gods timing. I just wish there was something I could do to help speed that up. If it was only that easy and brought to my attention I would do it. I will be patient for it and try not to focus on it.

Weird how you get on a subject like that at Vegas. Tonight I found myself wanting to play poker really bad after watching bobby so I went up stairs and got on my laptop and played online poker for free in my room. Remind you that I am staying in a casino and am playing poker in my room. Funny? I think so.
June 12, 2007
Day three in Vegas..
Today was nice. I'm tired but feeling good. I slept in, had some coffee and then worked a show. Lets just say, I love my vacation. Vegas has been an interesting place. I have gathered many opinions about the people hear. Now if I could take these views and help change things that would be great. I know that doesn't make since but wait until day 5.
This has been a great experience for me to learn more about some of the things Sterling is doing with Team Dealers. I'm excited about the growth there and can't wait to combine some efforts and really bust my butt next year. Mr. Chin said that if Sterling doubles what it did this past year then we will be invited to China to see him and Good Green. I'm going to hold him to that and try and double my numbers this next year. This has put a fire under me. I love challenges and can't wait to go for the goal on this. I really think that Sterling can do it. Lance is taking care of the dealers, I will be holding down the colleges. You have two big gunners going to work and putting down some numbers.
Back to me since this is about me, kinda. Tonight I watched the show at Treasure Island and let me tell you, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. the show is dumb. Its like watch bad cheerleaders on TV. They were off on just about everything. They are so far away you can't see anything. Not that I was there to see anything. Both Lance and I thought it was dumb. The coolest part of the whole show was a pirate who jump off these rocks that were high up. He did a couple flips and stuff. Also something cool was that I guy tried to pick my pocket and take my wallet but I felt it and put my hand on my back side. That was pretty cool to me!
One thing that continues to tug at my heart is just the way people are here. They are truly fake. Most people try to be someone they are not and I wish that people would just be real. I wonder if they are not happy with who they are? Why do you think just because you come to Vegas you can be dumb. Vegas is not a free pass for idiots.
I thank God that I am who I am today and that I can honor Him and not care about it. I guess Vegas is a place where I am proud to be who I am and just wish other could do that too. Its nice to be in company with someone who share my morals and can help be a light in the tunnel of darkness.

Back to me since this is about me, kinda. Tonight I watched the show at Treasure Island and let me tell you, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. the show is dumb. Its like watch bad cheerleaders on TV. They were off on just about everything. They are so far away you can't see anything. Not that I was there to see anything. Both Lance and I thought it was dumb. The coolest part of the whole show was a pirate who jump off these rocks that were high up. He did a couple flips and stuff. Also something cool was that I guy tried to pick my pocket and take my wallet but I felt it and put my hand on my back side. That was pretty cool to me!
One thing that continues to tug at my heart is just the way people are here. They are truly fake. Most people try to be someone they are not and I wish that people would just be real. I wonder if they are not happy with who they are? Why do you think just because you come to Vegas you can be dumb. Vegas is not a free pass for idiots.
I thank God that I am who I am today and that I can honor Him and not care about it. I guess Vegas is a place where I am proud to be who I am and just wish other could do that too. Its nice to be in company with someone who share my morals and can help be a light in the tunnel of darkness.
June 11, 2007
Day two in Vegas....

It has been called sin city, other call it Las Vegas, I call it a great place to vacation on the companies dime. We are here for the SGMA show. This was supposed to be a good show but since someone, not me but if you know the company you will know who, didn't do their homework, we now realize this is kind of a waste of time.

Blessings to you all...
June 10, 2007
My first night in Vegas....
It has been a crazy adventure over the last 24 hours. It all started last night as Paul and I ended up staying the night at the Double Tree in Seatac. When we got up at 4:25 this morning to leave we packed up and headed to Park Masters to drop the car off and before taking a shuttle to the airport. As we got to Park Master Paul rememebered he left his phone at the Double Tree. He took my car back and by the time he met me at the airport to check in we have 35 minutes until I flight left. Because of this our luggage was delayed in getting to us and I didn't get it until 5:30pm. the frustrating part was we had dinner reservations at 6:30. So Lance and I hauled to the airport to pick up our stuff and hauled back to the hotel for dinner. We made it but Paul was late getting to dinner.
We ate at the Social House. It was a sushi place. Up until this point I have never really like fish or ate sushi besided Cali rolls. Tonight I experience real sushi. I had Eel, Salmon, tuna some yellow tailed something, crab something and spicey tuna. We also had some california rolls. I was scared at first and didn't really know what to expect as I started eating and it wasn't bad. It had a nice flavor. I honestly thought I was gonna get sick but was shocked that I liked it.
After dinner Lance and I walked around. He was very nice and took me around to different hotels. I was very thankful to have him do that because I don't really feel comfortable walking around here. I don't know the area or know where to go.
Check out some of these pictures from the day, my first day on my first trip to Las Vegas.
Tomorrow we start working and day two. I look forward to another day in the city of "make it what you want".
June 8, 2007
June 7, 2007
June 6, 2007
Humbled by True Friendship.....
I am thankful for all my friends. I know that I would do just about anything for anyone of my friends. Tonight a friend of mine, stepped up big time tonight and has shown me true friendship. He came over after work and helped me out and spent about 5 hrs of his own time, away from his family, to help me out. I can't express in words how happy and thankful I am. That really means a lot to me that someone would do that. Tonight he has shown me true friendship and I'm honored that he calls me friend. Take time to thank your friends. Don't take forgranted the things your friends do for you. Tonight my friend who helped me out is my Hero for the month of June!
June 5, 2007
Becoming Illegal (Actual letter from an Iowa resident and sent to his senator)....
This makes me laugh and I wanted to share it......
The Honorable Tom Harkin
731 Hart Senate Office Building
Phone (202) 224 3254
Washington D C, 20510
Dear Senator Harkin,
As a native Iowan and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you. My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to illegal Alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, all I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out.
Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005.
Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin using the local emergency room as my primary health care provider. Once I have stopped paying premiums for medical insurance, my accountant figures I could save almost $10,000 a year. Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law school applications, as well as "in-state" tuition rates for many colleges throughout the United States for my son.
Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieve me of the burden of renewing my driver's license and making those burdensome car insurance premiums. This is very important to me given that I still have college age children driving my car.
If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal(retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative. Thank you for your assistance.
Your Loyal Constituent,
Donald Ruppert
Burlington, IA
Get your Forms (NOW)!! Call your Internal Revenue Service 1-800-289-1040.
Please pass this onto your friends so they can save on this great offer!!!
The Honorable Tom Harkin
731 Hart Senate Office Building
Phone (202) 224 3254
Washington D C, 20510
Dear Senator Harkin,
As a native Iowan and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you. My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to illegal Alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, all I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out.
Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005.
Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin using the local emergency room as my primary health care provider. Once I have stopped paying premiums for medical insurance, my accountant figures I could save almost $10,000 a year. Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law school applications, as well as "in-state" tuition rates for many colleges throughout the United States for my son.
Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieve me of the burden of renewing my driver's license and making those burdensome car insurance premiums. This is very important to me given that I still have college age children driving my car.
If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal(retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative. Thank you for your assistance.
Your Loyal Constituent,
Donald Ruppert
Burlington, IA
Get your Forms (NOW)!! Call your Internal Revenue Service 1-800-289-1040.
Please pass this onto your friends so they can save on this great offer!!!
First time out.....
Yesterday I went golfing with some buddies after work and man oh man did I suck it up. This is the first time I have golfed this year. It is also the first time I have golfed with my fixed wrist. (last year I had surgery on my right wrist) I shot a 54 on the front 9 and on the back 9 I am sure I would have shot a 70. We didn't get to finish because it was getting late. We got kicked off the course on the 16th hole and never got to finish our game. If we would have got to finish I am sure I would have shot a 125. This par 3 on the back 9 took my places I have never been and I shot a 13. I am very embarrassed by this and that messed me up the rest of the game.
I pray that the rust is gone but am afraid that my chipping is going to be an issue this season. It wasn't the best of days for golf but was still fun to get out.
I pray that the rust is gone but am afraid that my chipping is going to be an issue this season. It wasn't the best of days for golf but was still fun to get out.
June 1, 2007
The Garden....

Thats right, I have a garden. It all started about two weeks ago. Some friends helped me set it up. We planted corn, tomatos, beans, bell peppers, cucumbers, peppers and squash.
It's a lot of work trying to get a garden together. There is weeding like no other and then trim and other stuff. It was dirty but fun. As you can see I had some help.

The toughest part was raking all the weeds out and pulling them by hand. Once we started planting we had to make sure we watered everything to make sure the plants grow up nice and strong.

After we planted & watered everything it looked great! I'm still working on it and will get more pictures as my garden grows! I look forward to this new adventure in my life.

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