We have all heard when life hands you lemons make lemonade. Today my view it no quite that. I have just recently encouraged Jesus to bring trials my way but now that I have one I am not really a fan anymore.
Sometimes we all have to do things that are best for us and then sometimes we have to do things to please the church and give an appearance that is above reproach. This isn't always the easiest thing to do because even when we are not in the wrong someone maybe in the wrong that we are near and we get "punished".
Is it right to have to change your setting to please others and make sure things are ok even though your not in the wrong? Or do you believe that sometimes you have to fight for what you believe in even though you may have to sacrifice somethings that you are passionate about?
All are great questions and some of them I am facing but at the end of the day I have to make sure I am right with God and that I am happy about my situation even though the results are not what I want.
I believe that God has great plans for me and is going to use me for glorify His kingdom no matter where I am and because of that I have a lot of praying to do. Its ironique because awhile back I sang this song at church for offering and now I feel a close attachment to that song because of the situation I am in.
Blessings to all of you during your trails. James said consider it PURE JOY" when we are faced with trails. He said that because through these we grow stronger and stronger! I see my trails and can't wait to be through it because it will only make me a better person regardless of what other think. I'm here to please my heavenly Father not man.........
April 30, 2008
April 29, 2008
Long over due...
Well it have been awhile. I have now been at Boeing almost 3 months now. I really enjoy it here and still learn new things everyday. What a blessing it has been. I am very happy with life and the way my job is going.
March 31st I started school again. I have 2 quarters left before I get my 2nd associated degree. I am mixed on what I would like to do after I graduate from Pierce College. I know I want to transfer to a 4 year school as well as get a couple certificated along the way, in Youth Ministry and Project Management.
So far school has been going well for me. I've been stressed trying to get adjusted to the work load but I am starting to get a hang of it. I am going to take summer classes as well so that will be fun! I am really enjoying my Religion class because we are talking about arguments on whether God is real or not and I have been encouraged by the conversations we have had. I have even had the opportunity to express my views and beliefs. It has made a couple people uneasy about it but I have also had some good conversations.
Over the passed month or so I had quite a scare with my grandma. She got sick and wasn't doing well but she has turned and done a 180. She is doing a lot better and continues to gain strength and get better. Praise God!
My mom went in for gull bladder surgery 2 weeks ago and ended up back in the hospital 3 days later and went through 4 more minor surgeries over a week and a half period. She is doing a lot better and got out of the hospital this weekend. So family life has been a little crazy.
I am doin well, busy and still active with youth group. God is testing me in many ways so this is exciting to see what comes of these trials. Life is good and I'm happy. Softball is starting up soon and I am really looking forward to that.
April 24th three years ago my Dad passed away. That day I took some time to myself and spent some good time in prayer. I enjoyed the memories and will always cherish them. I see more of my Dad in me as I get older. Hopefully I wont go as bald or get red hair but his personality and humor are something I gladly take on. I know your looking down on me Dad and watching over me. I miss you and love you!
March 31st I started school again. I have 2 quarters left before I get my 2nd associated degree. I am mixed on what I would like to do after I graduate from Pierce College. I know I want to transfer to a 4 year school as well as get a couple certificated along the way, in Youth Ministry and Project Management.
So far school has been going well for me. I've been stressed trying to get adjusted to the work load but I am starting to get a hang of it. I am going to take summer classes as well so that will be fun! I am really enjoying my Religion class because we are talking about arguments on whether God is real or not and I have been encouraged by the conversations we have had. I have even had the opportunity to express my views and beliefs. It has made a couple people uneasy about it but I have also had some good conversations.
Over the passed month or so I had quite a scare with my grandma. She got sick and wasn't doing well but she has turned and done a 180. She is doing a lot better and continues to gain strength and get better. Praise God!
My mom went in for gull bladder surgery 2 weeks ago and ended up back in the hospital 3 days later and went through 4 more minor surgeries over a week and a half period. She is doing a lot better and got out of the hospital this weekend. So family life has been a little crazy.
I am doin well, busy and still active with youth group. God is testing me in many ways so this is exciting to see what comes of these trials. Life is good and I'm happy. Softball is starting up soon and I am really looking forward to that.
April 15, 2008
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