September 8th - I had a birthday party! It was amazing! Pete & Trish Prozik planned a birthday party for me and a bunch of friends and family showed up and together we had a BB@Q and celebrated my 27th birthday. What's crazy about this is that I have been in youth minister for 6+ years now. I have been a Christian 8+ years and have been at my job now 5+ years.
I think this is the year of change for me.God is going to have some pretty cool things ahead for me. Ok back to me, the party was awesome I had the biggest ice cream cookie sandwich cake I have ever seen. It was AMAZING!!! I loved it.
Also for my birthday my wonderful friends the Iversons had me over for dinner and as usually it was a blessing to hang out with them. They are truely amazing people who really know how to make you feel special!
September 29th - I went to Ohio for 36 hours. I went and presented an over view of Sterling Athletics to the OHSAA (Ohio High School Athletic Association). We are in a bid to become their official state Soccer ball. I hope we land the deal because that will really help launch our soccer division to the next level and help with sales with the team dealers in that area.
I think that catches you all up on events.
As for me personally, life has been a pretty neat journey. I wish I could say that I have been a super person but my attitude stinks latly. God is working on me and has been really working on my heart in different area's of my life but I have not submitted to Him. I know I need to but I have been fighting because I'm not ready yet. Gordie has recommend our congregation ready a book titled, "Its not about me" by Max Lucado. I have owned this book for 2 or 3 years and have not read it yet. I think I am going to try and read it as well as a couple other books.
Thats about it for now.